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Tooth Extraction Specialist

Revive Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry located in Washington, DC

You and your dentist may do everything in your powers to save a tooth; however, sometimes, an extraction is necessary to avoid additional health problems. If you need an extraction, turn to Revive Dentistry in Washington D.C., where expert dentists Michael Mortazie, DDS, and Shila Yazdani, DDS, provide safe and expert tooth extractions when injury or decay gives you no other option. Call the office or use the online booking tool to make an appointment with the highly qualified team.

Tooth Extraction Q & A

Why would I need an extraction?

Your adult teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, but circumstances can get in the way. Illness, decay, and trauma can cause such severe damage that tooth extraction is the only course of action.

Other reasons you might need a tooth extraction include:

  • Extra or crowded teeth
  • No room for third molars (wisdom teeth)
  • Risk of infection from an unsuccessful root canal
  • Risk of infection during an organ transplant or chemotherapy
  • Severe gum (periodontal) disease

The dentists at Revive Dentistry explore all options for your troubled tooth (or teeth) and do their best to avoid extraction whenever possible.

What should I expect from an extraction procedure?

Extractions are performed in one of two ways:

Simple extractions

As the name suggests, this process is simple. Usually, this procedure is performed on teeth that have erupted and are still intact. The dentist loosens the targeted tooth with a small tool called an elevator and removes it using dental forceps.

Surgical extraction

A surgical extraction is reserved for teeth that have broken off at the surface or that have not come through your gums. In these cases, the dentist makes a small incision in your gum line to access the tooth. In some cases, the tooth may need to be broken up to be extracted. If you have a deep infection, an extraction can sometimes involve the removal of some of the bone around the affected tooth.

Before either type of extraction, you receive a local anesthetic to numb your mouth. If you’re having multiple teeth removed, such as with wisdom teeth removal, the dentists may give you sedation, so you sleep through the procedure.

What should I expect during healing from a tooth extraction?

Healing time depends on how many teeth were removed, your specific case, and your health. Usually, the initial healing period lasts 1-2 weeks. During this time, new bone and gum tissue grow into the spaces where your teeth used to be. As you recover, you may find chewing and dental hygiene difficult. The doctors give you a thorough post-extraction treatment plan, so you know how to care for your extraction site and avoid complications. 

If you have a tooth or teeth that may need to be extracted, call Revive Dentistry or request an appointment online today.